Documentary: The Human Canvas
Channel: Channel 4
Scheduling: Thursday, 9pm-9:30pm
Duration: 24 minutes (excluding advert break)
20 seconds - public's shocked reactions when shown images of extreme tattoos and piercings - we don't show what the people are looking at, we just see their reactions
15 seconds - opening titles
30 seconds - voice over introduces the topic over still images of tattoos and piercings, voice over also explains audience survey. camera movement should be used such as zoom in/out, pan, spin
30 seconds - introduce Demi with an interview, why she likes tattoos and piercings so much, does she want to become a professional tattoo artist when she's older, who influences her which then introduces Travis Barker in to the next section
30 seconds - voice over talking about Travis Barker over still images of him at gigs etc - his music playing in the background
15 seconds - archive of one of Travis Barker's video
30 seconds - Back to interview of Demi talking more about tattoos and equipment she uses, zoom onto tattoo equipment over the interview and her own designs
1 minute - interview with tattoo artist
30 seconds - voice over explaining some articles about tattoos, use still images of the articles. use camera movement such as pan and zoom
15 seconds - VOXPOP - the public explaining why they get tattoos and piercings
30 seconds - voice over of a general view of tattoos and piercings as a whole, use images of extreme tattoos and small ones which have a meaning for their family etc
1 minute - voice over of Cathryn talking about getting a tattoo, use camera movement such as zoom in/out of her getting the tattoo done - in the interview she refers to Amy Winehouse. also use camera shots such as long shot
2 minutes - interview with Amy Winehouse about her tattoos. use cutaways to her performing
1 minute 30 secs -archive material footage of famous people talking about their own tattoos and piercings and why they got them - cross cutting between different interviews
1 minute - voice over explaining tattoo artist techniques of 3D tattoos, still images of 3D extreme tattoos to normal small ones
30 seconds - voice over explaining why some people regret having a tattoo because of future effects
30 seconds - interview with a parent who regrets having a tattoo, use cutaways to her tattoo
45 seconds - back to the interview of a headteacher explaining the risks of getting tattoo - harder to get employed
10 seconds - tracking of extreme tattoo person in a group walking down the street
3 minutes - ADVERT BREAK
10 seconds - tracking extreme tattoo person in a group walking down the street
15 seconds - voice over explains todays youth etc
2 minutes - interview with tattoo artist, cutaways to his equipment and show designs
25 seconds - montache of different celebrities with tattoos and piercings
2 minutes - zoom up on a picture of Beckham, cutaway to an interview of him, ask him why he get him and ask about the tattoos of his kids names
1 minute 40 secs - voice over of why some people tattoo names on their body, still images of lovers tattoos and tattoos of childrens name. camera movements over them
30 seconds - voice over to explain why boys crave the 'tunnel' and what started the trend off. cutaways to different tunnels - archive and actuality footage
1 minute - interview with a general piercist about tunnels - how do they feel about it. cut to archive of people flashing tunnel and getting it
20 seconds - voice over about what piercings girls would get - cutaways to different types of piercings girls would get such as ears, belly, nose, still images
1 minute - interview with a hairdressing shop who would do girls piercings - talking about how realistic piercings. cutaways to actuality footage of someone getting ear pierced
40 seconds - voice over concluding the narrative telling the public open to debate whether they do want a tattoo or piercing. montache of extreme tattoos and piercings
50 seconds - closing credits superimposed over montache