Sunday, 19 September 2010

That Thing.. Lara Croft.

Type of documentary:

Success of Lara Croft, video games, representation of women, power of the media influencing people's thoughts about the representation of women.

Narrative Structure:
Closed, non linear, single strand.

Interview- eye line third way down, left or right of the screen, medium close up and big close up.
Variety of shot types used on the interviews. Some used in low angle. Whip pans across the room.
Tracking shots- downstairs in the cafe looking at people playing on the video games.
Extreme close up of keyboard.

Chromakey background- game in the background was out of focus so the audience does not get distracted.
Front projection over the interviewee's face.
Film clips also used in the background.

Voice-over: calm, clear, male in about his 20's, this is used because the age is relevant to the programme, it is somebody who would play the game.
Sound from the game- music and added gun effects.
Voice of Lara Croft.
Madonna music- one of the interviewee's talked about her being powerful and a dominant woman.

Effect- shot of the guy being interviewed, edited on a computer screen -he was the creator og the game.
Fast motion- walking into the cafe etc..
Cutting between shots.

Archive material:
Adverts, newspapers, magazines, clips of the film and the video game.
Interview of Angelina.
Websites about Lara Croft.

Every graphic had 'that thing' at the end of it.
Lower case font, white, Sans Serif.

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